(function (moduleFactory) {
if(typeof exports === "object") {
module.exports = moduleFactory(require("lodash"), require("handlebars.phrase"), require("handlebars.el"));
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(["lodash", "handlebars.phrase", "handlebars.el"], moduleFactory);
}(function (_, Phrase, ElHelper) {
* @module handlebars%el%form
* @description Provides helper to generate form elements
* var Handlebars = require("handlebars");
* var FormHelper = require("handlebars.el.form");
* FormHelper.registerHelper(Handlebars);
* @returns {object} FormHelper instance
var FormHelpers = function (Handlebars, prefix) {
edit: "edit",
display: "display"
var helpers = {};
var formDefaults = {
"el-tag": "form",
"method": "post",
"el-escape": false
* @template el-form
* @block helper
* @param {string} [method=post] Form method
* @param {boolean} [el-escape=false] Whether to escape form content
* @param {object} [model] Model object to provide values for form controls
* @description Outputs a form element
* {{#el-form}}…{{/el-form}}
* If a model it passed, it is used to provide values for any nested controls (unless any of those controls have been passed an explicit value).
* Accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes since it is built upon it
* @returns {string} Form output
// TODO wizard
helpers["el-form"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var options = args.pop();
var hash = options.hash;
var model = hash.model;
delete hash.model;
var wizard = hash.wizard;
delete hash.wizard;
hash = _.extend({}, hash.attributes, hash);
delete hash.attributes;
hash = _.extend({}, formDefaults, hash);
options.hash = hash;
var that = this || {};
that.model = model;
that.wizardSchema = wizard;
return Handlebars.helpers.el.apply(that, [options]);
//TODO - submit, fieldset, field, group, field, form
// redo el to include el- on attributes
* @method inputHelper
* @param {string} 0 Input type
* @param {string} [id] Control id
* @param {string} [name] Control name
* @param {string} [value] Control value
* @param {boolean} [el-control] Wjether or not to treat output as a control or to be displayed
* @description Generic method to handle output of all input elements
* Accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes since it is built upon it
* @return {string} Input field
function inputHelper () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var hash = args[args.length-1].hash;
hash["el-tag"] = "input";
hash.type = args.shift();
// display rather than edit mode
if (hash["el-control"] === false) {
for (var prop in hash.attributes) {
if (hash[prop] === undefined) {
hash[prop] = hash.attributes[prop];
delete hash.attributes;
// default tag - but why hard-coded and not overridable?
hash["el-tag"] = "p";
if (hash.content === undefined) {
if (hash.type === "checkbox") {
var checked = !!hash.checked;
hash.content = checked.toString();
} else {
hash.contents = hash.value;
delete hash.value;
delete hash.id;
delete hash.name;
delete hash.type;
delete hash["el-control"];
var output = Handlebars.helpers.el.apply(this, args);
return output;
* @template el-text
* @block helper
* @description Outputs text input element
* {{{el-text name=name}}}
* Calls {@link module:handlebars%el%form~inputHelper} passing *text* as the type
* Since inputHelper in turn calls the *el* helper, accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} Text input
helpers["el-text"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return inputHelper.apply(this, args);
* @template el-checkbox
* @block helper
* @description Outputs checkbox input element
* {{{el-checkbox name=name}}}
* Calls {@link module:handlebars%el%form~inputHelper} passing *checkbox* as the type
* Since inputHelper in turn calls the *el* helper, accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* ### Examples
* {{{el-checkbox name="foo"}}}
* → <input name="foo" type="checkbox" value="true">
* {{{el-checkbox name="foo" value="bar"}}}
* → <input name="foo" type="checkbox" value="bar">
* {{{el-checkbox name="foo" attributes=attributes}}}
* Context {attributes:{value:"bar"}}
* → <input name="foo" type="checkbox" value="bar">
* {{{el-checkbox name="foo" checked=true}}}
* → <input checked name="foo" type="checkbox" value="true">
* @return {string} Checkbox input
helpers["el-checkbox"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
args[args.length-1].hash["el-fallback-value"] = true;
return inputHelper.apply(this, args);
* @template el-radio
* @block helper
* @description Outputs radio input element
* {{{el-radio name=name}}}
* Calls {@link module:handlebars%el%form~inputHelper} passing *radio* as the type
* Since inputHelper in turn calls the *el* helper, accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} Radio input
helpers["el-radio"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return inputHelper.apply(this, args);
* @template el-password
* @block helper
* @description Outputs password input element
* {{{el-password name=name}}}
* Calls {@link module:handlebars%el%form~inputHelper} passing *password* as the type
* Since inputHelper in turn calls the *el* helper, accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} Password input
helpers["el-password"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return inputHelper.apply(this, args);
* @template el-file
* @block helper
* @description Outputs file input element
* {{{el-file name=name}}}
* Calls {@link module:handlebars%el%form~inputHelper} passing *file* as the type
* Since inputHelper in turn calls the *el* helper, accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} File input
helpers["el-file"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return inputHelper.apply(this, args);
* @template el-hidden
* @block helper
* @description Outputs hidden input element
* {{{el-hidden name=name}}}
* Calls {@link module:handlebars%el%form~inputHelper} passing *hidden* as the type
* Since inputHelper in turn calls the *el* helper, accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} Hidden input
helpers["el-hidden"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return inputHelper.apply(this, args);
* @template el-submit
* @block helper
* @description Outputs submit input element
* {{{el-submit name=name}}}
* Calls {@link module:handlebars%el%form~inputHelper} passing *submit* as the type
* Since inputHelper in turn calls the *el* helper, accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} Submit input
helpers["el-submit"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return inputHelper.apply(this, args);
* @method normaliseParamArray
* @private
* @param {array|string} param Parameters to be normalised
* @description Ensures that all items of the passed param are stringified
* If param is not an array, it is first wrapped in an array.
* @return {array} param
function normaliseParamArray (param) {
if (param !== undefined && param !== null) {
if (!_.isArray(param)) {
param = [param];
for (var i = 0; i < param.length; i++) {
param[i] = param[i].toString();
return param;
* @template el-select
* @block helper
* @param {array} [options] Array of option objects or strings
* @params {boolean} [options.content] Option content
* If option passed as a string, it is coerced to an object setting the content property to the string’s value
* @params {boolean} [options.value] Option value
* If no value is passed, the option’s content is used
* @params {boolean} [options.selected] Whether option is selected
* @params {boolean} [options.disabled] Whether option is disabled
* @param {array} [values] Array of values
* If passed, trumps any value passed as part of the corresponding option object
* If no options are passed, values is used instead
* @param {string|array} [selected] Values which are selected
* If passed, trumps any selected value passed as part of the corresponding option object
* @param {string|array} [value] Alternative param to pass selected value
* @param {string|array} [options-disabled] Values which are disabled
* If passed, trumps any disabled value passed as part of the corresponding option object
* NB. The parameter is options-disabled, so that disabled can still be used to disable the entire control
* @param {string|object} [cue] String to display as first element of select when no values has been selected
* @description Outputs a select control
* {{{el-select name=name options=options}}}
* ### Examples
* {{{el-select name="foo" options=opts}}}
* Context {opts:["a", "b"]}
* → <select name="foo">
* <option value="a">a</option>
* <option value="b">b</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts}}}
* Context {opts: [{content:"Foo", value:1}, {content:"Bar", value:2}] }
* → <select>
* <option value="1">Foo</option>
* <option value="2">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts}}}
* Context {opts: [{content:"Foo", value:1}, {content:"Bar", value:2, selected:true}] }
* → <select>
* <option value="1">Foo</option>
* <option selected value="2">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts values=vals}}}
* Context {opts: ["Foo", "Bar"], vals: [1, 2]}
* → <select>
* <option value="1">Foo</option>
* <option value="2">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts values=vals selected=selected}}}
* Context {opts: ["Foo", "Bar"], vals: [1, 2], selected:2}
* → <select>
* <option value="1">Foo</option>
* <option selected value="2">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts values=vals selected=selected}}}
* Context {opts: ["Foo", "Bar"], vals: [1, 0], selected:0}
* → <select>
* <option value="1">Foo</option>
* <option selected value="0">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts values=vals selected=selected}}}
* Context {opts: ["Foo", "Bar"], vals: ["", "a"], selected:""}
* → <select>
* <option selected value="">Foo</option>
* <option value="a">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts values=vals options-disabled=optionsDisabled}}}
* Context {opts: ["Foo", "Bar"], vals: [1, 2], optionsDisabled:2}
* → <select>
* <option value="1">Foo</option>
* <option disabled value="2">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts values=vals selected=selected options-disabled=optionsDisabled}}}
* Context {opts: [{content:"Foo", value:1, disabled:true}, {content:"Bar", value:2, selected:true}], vals:["x", "y"], selected:"x", optionsDisabled:"y" }
* → <select>
* <option selected value="x">Foo</option>
* <option disabled value="y">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts cue=cue}}}
* Context {opts: [{content:"Foo", value:1}, {content:"Bar", value:2}], cue: "Please select" }
* → <select>
* <option class="select-cue" disabled selected>Please select</option>
* <option value="1">Foo</option>
* <option value="2">Bar</option>
* </select>
* {{{el-select options=opts values=vals value=selected}}}
* Context {opts: ["Foo", "Bar"], vals: [1, 2], selected:2}
* → <select>
* <option value="1">Foo</option>
* <option selected value="2">Bar</option>
* </select>
* @return {string} Select control
helpers["el-select"] = function () {
// map, mapcontent, mapvalue, optgroups
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var options = args[args.length-1];
var optionsHash = options.hash;
optionsHash = _.extend({}, optionsHash.attributes, optionsHash);
delete optionsHash.attributes;
options.hash = optionsHash;
var output = "";
var selected = optionsHash.selected;
var value = optionsHash.value;
var optionsDisabled = optionsHash["options-disabled"];
var cue = optionsHash.cue;
var opts = optionsHash.options;
var vals = optionsHash.values;
if (!opts) {
opts = vals;
delete optionsHash.selected;
delete optionsHash.value;
delete optionsHash["options-disabled"];
delete optionsHash.cue;
delete optionsHash.options;
delete optionsHash.values;
if (selected === undefined) {
selected = value;
selected = normaliseParamArray(selected);
optionsDisabled = normaliseParamArray(optionsDisabled);
var hasSelected;
for (var i in opts) {
var optionArgs = opts[i];
if (typeof optionArgs !== "object") {
optionArgs = {
content: optionArgs
if (vals && vals[i] !== undefined) {
optionArgs.value = vals[i];
} else if (optionArgs.value === undefined) {
optionArgs.value = optionArgs.content;
optionArgs.value = optionArgs.value.toString();
if (selected !== undefined) {
optionArgs.selected = _.intersection(selected, [optionArgs.value]).length > 0;
if (!hasSelected) {
hasSelected = optionArgs.selected;
if (optionsDisabled) {
optionArgs.disabled = _.intersection(optionsDisabled, [optionArgs.value]).length > 0;
opts[i] = optionArgs;
// No need for a cue if we have a genuine selection
if (!hasSelected && cue) {
if (typeof cue !== "object") {
cue = {
content: cue,
"class": "select-cue",
"selected": true,
"disabled": true
for (var opt in opts) {
opts[opt]["el-tag"] = "option";
output += Handlebars.helpers.el.apply(this, [{hash:opts[opt]}]);
optionsHash["el-tag"] = "select";
optionsHash.content = output;
optionsHash["el-escape"] = false;
output = Handlebars.helpers.el.apply(this, args);
return output;
* @template el-textarea
* @block helper
* @param {string|array} [value] Text to be output in textarea
* NB. this is in addition to the usual content and el-content params that the el helper accepts to provide consistency with the other input helpers
* @param {string} [placeholder] Placeholder text
* @param {string} [el-phrase-key] Key to use to lookup placeholder text
* @param {boolean} [el-control] Whether it is in edit or display mode
* @description Outputs a textarea element
* {{{el-textarea name=name}}}
* {{#el-textarea name=name}}...{{/el-textarea}}
* Calls the *el* helper so accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} Textarea control
helpers["el-textarea"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var hash = args[args.length-1].hash;
//if (hash["el-control"] !== undefined && hash["el-control"] === false) {
if (hash["el-control"] === false) {
hash = _.extend({}, hash.attributes, hash);
delete hash.attributes;
hash["el-tag"] = "p";
hash.content = hash.value;
delete hash.value;
delete hash.name;
delete hash.placeholder;
args[args.length-1].hash = hash;
} else {
hash = _.extend({}, hash.attributes, hash);
delete hash.attributes;
if (!hash["el-content"]) {
hash["el-content"] = hash.value;
delete hash.value;
hash["el-tag"] = "textarea";
if (!hash.placeholder && hash["el-phrase-key"]) {
hash.placeholder = Phrase.get(hash["el-phrase-key"]+"."+"placeholder");
args[args.length-1].hash = hash;
var output = Handlebars.helpers.el.apply(this, args);
return output;
* @template el-label
* @block helper
* @param {string} [for] Id of input label is connected to
* @description Outputs a label for a control
* {{{el-label for=for content=content}}}
* {{#el-label}}...{{/el-label}}
* Calls the *el* helper so accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} Label for control
helpers["el-label"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var hash = args[args.length-1].hash;
hash["el-tag"] = "label";
if (hash.edit !== undefined && hash.edit === false) {
hash["el-tag"] = "h3";
delete hash.for;
delete hash.edit;
var output = Handlebars.helpers.el.apply(this, args);
return output;
function legendOutput (leg) {
return "<legend><span>" + leg + "</span></legend>";
* @template el-fieldset
* @block helper
* @param {string} [legend] Text for fieldset legend
* @description Outputs a fieldset
* {{#el-fieldset legend=legend}}...{{/el-fieldset}}
* Calls the *el* helper so accepts any parameter that the *el* helper takes
* @return {string} Fieldset
helpers["el-fieldset"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var hash = args[args.length-1].hash;
hash["el-tag"] = "fieldset";
hash["el-escape"] = false;
if (hash.legend) {
hash["el-content-before"] = legendOutput(hash.legend);
delete hash.legend;
var output = Handlebars.helpers.el.apply(this, args);
return output;
* @template el-message
* @block helper
* @param {string} 0 Field messages relate to
* @param {string} 1 Message type
* @param {array|string} 2 Message(s) to display
* @description Outputs a message block for a control
* {{{el-message name type messages}}}
* Can be
* - error
* - warning
* - info
* Gets message block heading by using field.message.heading.{{type}} as a lookup key
* @return {string} Message block for control
helpers["el-message"] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var field = args.shift();
var type = args.shift();
var messages = args.shift();
if (! _.isArray(messages)) {
messages = [messages];
var listArgs = {
content: messages,
"el-wrap": "li",
"el-tag": "ul"
var messagesOutput = Handlebars.helpers.el({
hash: listArgs
var messageHeading = Phrase.get("field.message.heading." + type, {
field: field,
count: messages.length
if (messageHeading) {
messagesOutput = "<h2>" + messageHeading + "</h2>" + messagesOutput;
var messageBundle = {
"el-tag": "div",
"class": "control-" + type,
"content": messagesOutput,
"el-escape": false
var messageOutput = Handlebars.helpers.el({
hash: messageBundle
return messageOutput;
* @method marshallNamespacedAttributes
* @private
* @param {string} namespace Property name to marshall
* @param {object|string} attributes Attributes to retrieve property from
* @description Used by el-field to allow for passing of multi-variate attributes
* @return {object} attributes
function marshallNamespacedAttributes(namespace, attributes) {
if (attributes[namespace] === undefined) {
attributes[namespace] = {};
} else if (typeof attributes[namespace] === "string") {
attributes[namespace] = {
content: attributes[namespace]
var nameSpAlias = attributes[namespace];
for (var prop in attributes) {
if (prop.indexOf(namespace+"-") === 0) {
var mappedProp = prop.split(namespace+"-")[1];
nameSpAlias[mappedProp] = attributes[prop];
delete attributes[prop];
return attributes;
* @template el-field
* @block helper
* @param {string} name Input name
* Can also be passed as a property of input
* @param {string} [id=input-{{name}}] Input id
* @param {string} [type] Field type
* @param {string|array} [class] Field class(es)
* @param {object} [field] Parameters for field wrapper
* @param {object|string} [input] Parameters for single input
* @param {string|object} [introduction] Parameters for introduction block
* @param {string|object} [label] Parameters for label block
* @param {string|object} [description] Parameters for description block
* @param {string|object} [help] Parameters for help block
* @param {array} [inputs] Parameters for multiple inputs within control
* If no id is passed as part of the individual inputs items it will be generated as {{id}}-{{n}}
* @param {array} [labels]
* If passed, trumps any label passed as part of the corresponding inputs array
* If no inputs are passed, labels is used instead
* @param {string|object} [legend] Optional legend block when multiple inputs are passed
* Ignored otherwise
* @param {array|string} [checked] Values which are checked
* @param {array|string} [inputs-disabled] Values which are disabled
* @param {boolean} [edit=true] Whether to render in edit or display mode
* @param {boolean} [display=false] Whether to render in edit or display mode (trumped by edit if defined)
* @param {object} [model=this.model] Model from which to retrieve schema, value and phraseKey
* If no model is passed, will attempt to use the current context’s model property
* @param {string} [phrase-key={{model.phraseKey}}.{{name}}] String to use as base lookup key
* - blocks
* {{phraseKey}}.{{blockKey}}
* - multi-input labels when schema type is enum
* {{phraseKey}}.value.{{fieldOptValue}}.label
* @param {string|array} [error] Parameters for error block
* @param {string|array} [warning] Parameters for warning block
* @param {string|array} [info] Parameters for info block
* @description Outputs a field control
* {{{el-field name=name}}}
* {{{el-field name=name type=type}}}
* {{{el-field name=name input=input}}}
* {{{el-field name=name inputs=inputs}}}
* {{{el-field name=name model=model}}}
* {{{el-field name=name
* introduction=introduction
* description=description
* help=help
* error=error
* extra=extra}}}
* {{#el-field name=name}}...{{/el-field}}
* Generates a field element wrapped around any specified blocks
* ### Examples
* {{{el-field name="bar"}}}
* → <div class="control control-bar">
* <label for="input-bar">Bar</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="input-bar" name="bar" type="text">
* </div>
* </div>
* el-field can capture content
* {{#el-field name="bar"}}{{{el-text name="foo"}}}{{/el-field}}
* → <div class="control control-bar">
* <input name="foo" type="text">
* </div>
* Edit and display modes
* {{{el-field name="foo" value="bar"}}}
* → <div class="control control-foo">
* <label for="input-foo">Foo</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="input-foo" name="foo" type="text" value="bar">
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field name="foo" value="bar" display=true}}}
* → <div class="control control-foo">
* <h3>Foo</h3>
* <div class="display">
* <p>bar</p>
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field name="foo" value="bar" edit=false}}}
* → <div class="control control-foo">
* <h3>Foo</h3>
* <div class="display">
* <p>bar</p>
* </div>
* </div>
* Pass additional class on the field wrapper
* {{{el-field name="bar" class="foo" value="myvalue"}}}
* → <div class="control control-bar foo">
* <label for="input-bar">Bar</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="input-bar" name="bar" type="text" value="myvalue">
* </div>
* </div>
* Pass options to a select field
* {{{el-field name="bar" type="select" options=opts}}}
* Context {opts: ["foo", "bar"]}
* → <div class="control control-bar">
* <label for="input-bar">Bar</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <select id="input-bar" name="bar">
* <option value="foo">foo</option>
* <option value="bar">bar</option>
* </select>
* </div>
* </div>
* Pass a label
* {{{el-field name="bar" label="Foo"}}}
* → <div class="control control-bar">
* <label for="input-bar">Foo</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="input-bar" name="bar" type="text">
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field name="bar" label="Foo" id="zam"}}}
* → <div class="control control-bar">
* <label for="zam">Foo</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="zam" name="bar" type="text">
* </div>
* </div>
* Passing mutltiple inputs - checkboxes
* {{{el-field name="bar" legend="Foo" inputs=inputs checked="b"}}}
* Context {inputs:["a", "b", "c"]}
* → <div aria-labelledby="control-group-bar-label" class="control control-bar" role="group">
* <p id="control-group-bar-label">Foo</p>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="bar-0" name="bar" type="radio" value="a">
* <label for="bar-0">a</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="bar-1" name="bar" type="radio" value="b">
* <label for="bar-1">b</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="bar-2" name="bar" type="radio" value="c">
* <label for="bar-2">c</label>
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field name="bar" legend="Foo" type="checkbox" inputs=inputs checked="b"}}}
* Context {inputs:["a", "b", "c"]
* → <div aria-labelledby="control-group-bar-label" class="control control-bar" role="group">
* <p id="control-group-bar-label">Foo</p>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="bar-0" name="bar" type="checkbox" value="a">
* <label for="bar-0">a</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="bar-1" name="bar" type="checkbox" value="b">
* <label for="bar-1">b</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="bar-2" name="bar" type="checkbox" value="c">
* <label for="bar-2">c</label>
* </div>
* </div>
* Passing a lookup key
* {{{el-field name="bar" phrase-key="foo.bar"}}}
* → <div class="control control-bar">
* <div class="control-introduction">
* <p>Bar introduction</p>
* </div>
* <label for="input-bar">Bar label</label>
* <div class="control-description">
* <p>Bar description</p>
* </div>
* <div class="control-help">
* <p>Bar help</p>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="input-bar" name="bar" type="text">
* </div>
* <div class="control-extra">
* <p>Bar extra line 1</p>
* <p>Bar extra line 2</p>
* </div>
* </div>
* Passing errors
* {{{el-field name="bar" error=error}}}
* Context {error:["Error A", "Error B"]}
* → <div class="control control-bar">
* <label for="input-bar">Bar</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="input-bar" name="bar" type="text">
* </div>
* <div class="control-error">
* <h2>There are 2 problems with the "bar" field</h2>
* <ul>
* <li>Error A</li>
* <li>Error B</li>
* </ul>
* </div>
* </div>
* #### Using models with el-field
* {{{el-field model=model name="baz"}}}
* Context {model:fooModel}
* → <div class="control control-baz">
* <label for="input-baz">Baz label</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="input-baz" name="baz" type="text" value="Model baz value">
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field model=model name="jim" type="select" options=opts}}}
* Context {model:fooModel, opts:["zim", "bam", "zoom"]}
* → <div class="control control-jim">
* <label for="input-jim">Jim</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <select id="input-jim" name="jim">
* <option value="zim">zim</option>
* <option selected value="bam">bam</option>
* <option value="zoom">zoom</option>
* </select>
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field model=model name="flim" type="radio" inputs=opts}}}
* Context {model:fooModel, opts:["zim", "zam", "boom"]}
* → <div class="control control-flim">
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="flim-0" name="flim" type="radio" value="zim">
* <label for="flim-0">zim</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="flim-1" name="flim" type="radio" value="zam">
* <label for="flim-1">zam</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="flim-2" name="flim" type="radio" value="boom">
* <label for="flim-2">boom</label>
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field model=model name="flim"}}}
* Context {model:fooModel}
* → <div class="control control-flim">
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="flim-0" name="flim" type="radio" value="bim">
* <label for="flim-0">Bim label</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="flim-1" name="flim" type="radio" value="bam">
* <label for="flim-1">Bam label</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="flim-2" name="flim" type="radio" value="boom">
* <label for="flim-2">Boom label</label>
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field model=model name="jim" type="select"}}}
* Context {model:fooModel}
* → <div class="control control-jim">
* <label for="input-jim">Jim</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <select id="input-jim" name="jim">
* <option value="bim">bim</option>
* <option selected value="bam">bam</option>
* <option value="boom">boom</option>
* </select>
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field model=model name="wozz" type="select"}}}
* Context {model:fooModel}
* → <div class="control control-wozz">
* <label for="input-wozz">Wozz</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <select id="input-wozz" name="wozz">
* <option value="waz">Waz label</option>
* <option value="wez">Wez label</option>
* <option selected value="wiz">Wiz label</option>
* </select>
* </div>
* </div>
* {{{el-field model=model name="gozz"}}}
* Context {model:fooModel}
* → <div class="control control-gozz">
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="gozz-0" name="gozz" type="radio" value="gaz">
* <label for="gozz-0">Gaz label</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="gozz-1" name="gozz" type="radio" value="gez">
* <label for="gozz-1">Gez label</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="gozz-2" name="gozz" type="radio" value="giz">
* <label for="gozz-2">Giz label</label>
* </div>
* </div>
* Inheriting a model from the enclosing context
* {{#el-form model=model}}{{{el-field name="flim"}}}{{{el-field name="wozz" type="select"}}}{{{el-field name="gozz"}}}{{/el-form}}
* Context {model:fooModel}
* → <form method="post">
* <div class="control control-flim">
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="flim-0" name="flim" type="radio" value="bim">
* <label for="flim-0">Bim label</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="flim-1" name="flim" type="radio" value="bam">
* <label for="flim-1">Bam label</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="flim-2" name="flim" type="radio" value="boom">
* <label for="flim-2">Boom label</label>
* </div>
* </div>
* <div class="control control-wozz">
* <label for="input-wozz">Wozz</label>
* <div class="edit">
* <select id="input-wozz" name="wozz">
* <option value="waz">Waz label</option>
* <option value="wez">Wez label</option>
* <option selected value="wiz">Wiz label</option>
* </select>
* </div>
* </div>
* <div class="control control-gozz">
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="gozz-0" name="gozz" type="radio" value="gaz">
* <label for="gozz-0">Gaz label</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input checked id="gozz-1" name="gozz" type="radio" value="gez">
* <label for="gozz-1">Gez label</label>
* </div>
* <div class="edit">
* <input id="gozz-2" name="gozz" type="radio" value="giz">
* <label for="gozz-2">Giz label</label>
* </div>
* </div>
* </form>
* #### Data used in examples
* Phrase lookup keys
* {
* "field.message.heading.error": 'There {{#choose count}}{{#choice "other"}}are {{count}} problems{{/choice}}{{#choice "one"}}is a problem{{/choice}}{{/choose}} with the "{{field}}" field',
* "foo.bar.description": "Bar description",
* "foo.bar.introduction": "Bar introduction",
* "foo.bar.label": "Bar label",
* "foo.bar.help": "Bar help",
* "foo.bar.extra": "Bar extra line 1\nBar extra line 2",
* "foo.baz.label": "Baz label",
* "foo.flim.value.bim.label": "Bim label",
* "foo.flim.value.bam.label": "Bam label",
* "foo.flim.value.boom.label": "Boom label",
* "foo.wozz.value.waz.label": "Waz label",
* "foo.wozz.value.wez.label": "Wez label",
* "foo.wozz.value.wiz.label": "Wiz label",
* "foo.gozz.value.gaz.label": "Gaz label",
* "foo.gozz.value.gez.label": "Gez label",
* "foo.gozz.value.giz.label": "Giz label",
* "really./^x.$/": "Regex lookup"
* }
* fooModel
* {
* attributes: {
* baz: "Model baz value",
* jim: "bam",
* flim: "boom",
* wozz: "wiz",
* gozz: ["gaz", "gez"]
* },
* get: function (name) {
* return this.attributes[name];
* },
* phraseKey: "foo",
* schema: schema
* }
* schema
* {
* ...
* "properties":{
* "bar": {
* "type":"string",
* "required":true
* },
* "baz": {
* "type":"number"
* },
* "jim": {
* "enum": [
* "bim",
* "bam",
* "boom"
* ]
* },
* "flim": {
* "type": "string",
* "enum": [
* "bim",
* "bam",
* "boom"
* ]
* },
* "wozz": {
* "type": "string",
* "enum": [
* "waz",
* "wez",
* "wiz"
* ]
* },
* "gozz": {
* "type": "array",
* "items": {
* "type": "string",
* "enum": [
* "gaz",
* "gez",
* "giz"
* ]
* }
* }
* }
* }
* @return {string} Field control
helpers["el-field"] = function () {
var blocks = {};
* @member blockList
* @memberof template:el-field
* @private
* @description Blocks to be processed
* - legend
* - introduction
* - label
* - description
* - help
* - error
* - warning
* - info
* - extra
var blockList = [
* @member editBlockOrder
* @memberof template:el-field
* @private
* @description Order of blocks output in edit mode
* 1. introduction
* 2. label
* 3. description
* 4. help
* 5. main
* 6. error
* 7. warning
* 8. info
* 9. extra
var editBlockOrder = [
* @member displayBlockOrder
* @memberof template:el-field
* @private
* @description Order of blocks output in display mode
* 1. label
* 2. main
var displayBlockOrder = [
var blockMessage = {
error: true,
warning: true,
info: true
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var options = args[args.length-1];
var hash = options.hash;
hash = _.extend({}, hash.attributes, hash);
delete hash.attributes;
var inputType;
hash = marshallNamespacedAttributes("input", hash);
hash = marshallNamespacedAttributes("help", hash);
hash = marshallNamespacedAttributes("error", hash);
hash = marshallNamespacedAttributes("label", hash);
hash = marshallNamespacedAttributes("field", hash);
function getAttr (name) {
var attr = hash[name];
delete hash[name];
return attr;
function getFieldAttr (name) {
var attr = hash[name];
delete hash[name];
if (attr === undefined) {
attr = field[name];
delete field[name];
return attr;
var field = getAttr("field");
var input = getFieldAttr("input");
var inputs = getFieldAttr("inputs");
var labels = getFieldAttr("labels");
var checked = getFieldAttr("checked");
var inputsDisabled = getFieldAttr("inputs-disabled");
var phraseKey = getFieldAttr("phrase-key");
/*var error = getFieldAttr("error");
var warning = getFieldAttr("warning");
var info = getFieldAttr("info");*/
var model = getFieldAttr("model") || this.model;
var edit = getFieldAttr("edit");
var display = getFieldAttr("display");
// by default, editable
// edit beats display beats edit on view
var thisEditable = this.edit === undefined || this.edit;
if (display === undefined) {
display = !thisEditable;
if (edit === undefined) {
edit = !display;
var controlType = edit ? "edit" : "display";
if (field.type) {
hash.type = hash.type || field.type;
delete field.type;
if (hash.type) {
inputType = hash.type;
delete hash.type;
if (hash.name) {
input.name = hash.name;
delete hash.name;
var fieldset = (inputs || labels) ? true : false;
if (model && input.name) {
var fieldName = input.name;
if (!phraseKey && model.phraseKey) {
var modelKey = typeof model.phraseKey === "function" ? model.phraseKey() : model.phraseKey;
phraseKey = modelKey + "." + fieldName;
if (model.schema) {
var schema = model.schema;
var fieldSchema = schema.properties[fieldName];
var fieldArray;
if (fieldSchema.type === "array") {
fieldArray = true;
fieldSchema = fieldSchema.items;
var fieldOptions;
if (fieldSchema["enum"]) {
fieldOptions = _.extend([], fieldSchema["enum"]);
var fieldLabels = [];
for (var fieldOpt in fieldOptions) {
var fieldOptValue = fieldOptions[fieldOpt];
var fieldOptLabel = Phrase.get(phraseKey + ".value." + fieldOptValue + ".label");
fieldOptLabel = fieldOptLabel ? fieldOptLabel.toString() : fieldOptValue;
if (inputType === "text") {
inputType = fieldArray ? "checkbox" : "radio";
if (inputType === "select") {
if (_.isEmpty(input.options) && _.isEmpty(hash.options)) {
input.options = fieldLabels;
input.values = fieldOptions;
} else {
fieldset = true;
if (_.isEmpty(inputs)) {
inputs = fieldOptions;
labels = fieldLabels;
var modelValue = model.get(fieldName);
if (modelValue !== undefined) {
if (fieldset) {
if (checked === undefined) {
checked = modelValue;
} else {
if (input.value === undefined && inputType !== "checkbox") {
input.value = modelValue;
if (inputType === "checkbox") {
if (input.value === undefined) {
input.value = true;
if (input.checked === undefined) {
if (modelValue === input.value) {
input.checked = true;
if (inputType === "password" && input.value) {
input.placeholder = input.value.replace(/./g, "*");
if (edit) {
delete input.value;
} else {
input.value = input.placeholder;
for (var block in blockList) {
var blockKey = blockList[block];
var blockVal = getFieldAttr(blockKey);
if (phraseKey) {
if (blockVal === undefined || (_.isObject(blockVal) && !_.isArray(blockVal) && !("content" in blockVal))) {
blockVal = Phrase.get(phraseKey+"." + blockKey, {display:display, edit:edit});
if (blockVal) {
blockVal = {
content: blockVal.toString()
if (!(_.isEmpty(blockVal))) {
blocks[blockKey] = blockVal;
var label = blocks.label || {};
delete blocks.label;
var legend = blocks.legend;
delete blocks.legend;
for (var blockType in blocks) {
var blockIn = blocks[blockType];
if (blockMessage[blockType]) {
blocks[blockType] = Handlebars.helpers["el-message"](input.name, blockType, blockIn);
} else {
blockIn["class"] = "control-" + blockType;
if (!blockIn.content.match(/^<(p|div|ul|ol)[ >]/)) {
blockIn["el-wrap"] = "p";
var attr= {
hash: {
attributes: blockIn
blocks[blockType] = Handlebars.helpers.el(attr);
if (hash["class"]) {
field["class"] = hash["class"];
delete hash["class"];
if (!field["class"]) {
field["class"] = [];
if (! _.isArray(field["class"])) {
field["class"] = [field["class"]];
if (input.name) {
field["class"].push("control-" + input.name);
// could do this with defaults in marshallNamespaceAttributes
if (field["el-escape"] === undefined) {
field["el-escape"] = false;
field.content = "";
if (options.fn) {
field.content = options.fn(this);
delete options.fn;
} else {
if (hash.id) {
input.id = hash.id;
if (!input.id) {
input.id = "input-" + input.name;
if (fieldset) {
inputType = inputType || "radio";
var fieldsetContent = "";
if (!inputs) {
inputs = labels;
checked = normaliseParamArray(checked);
inputsDisabled = normaliseParamArray(inputsDisabled);
var name = input.name;
for (var i in inputs) {
var inputArgs = inputs[i];
var labelArgs = {};
if (typeof inputArgs !== "object") {
inputArgs = {
value: inputArgs
inputArgs.name = inputArgs.name || name;
inputArgs.id = inputArgs.id || inputArgs.name + "-" + i;
if (labels && labels[i] !== undefined) {
labelArgs.content = labels[i];
} else {
labelArgs.content = inputArgs.value;
labelArgs["for"] = inputArgs.id;
inputArgs.value = inputArgs.value.toString();
if (checked !== undefined) {
inputArgs.checked = _.intersection(checked, [inputArgs.value]).length > 0;
if (inputsDisabled) {
inputArgs.disabled = _.intersection(inputsDisabled, [inputArgs.value]).length > 0;
inputs[i] = [inputArgs, labelArgs];
for (var item in inputs) {
var fieldsetItemOutput = "";
var itemInput = inputs[item][0];
itemInput["el-tag"] = "input";
fieldsetItemOutput += Handlebars.helpers["el-"+inputType]({hash:itemInput});
var itemLabel = inputs[item][1];
itemLabel["el-tag"] = "label";
fieldsetItemOutput += Handlebars.helpers.el({hash:itemLabel});
var fieldsetItemArgs = {
hash: {
"el-tag": "div",
"class": CONTROLCLASS[controlType],
"content": fieldsetItemOutput,
"el-escape": false
fieldsetContent += Handlebars.helpers.el(fieldsetItemArgs);
blocks.main = fieldsetContent;
if (legend) {
var fieldsetId = field.id || "control-group-" + input.name + "-label";
if (!field.role) {
field.role = "group";
field["aria-labelledby"] = fieldsetId;
var legendParams = {
hash: {
"el-tag": "p",
content: legend,
id: fieldsetId
legend = Handlebars.helpers.el(legendParams);
blocks.label = legend;
} else {
inputType = inputType || "text";
if (!label["for"]) {
label["for"] = input.id;
if (!label.content) {
labelContent = input.name;
if (labelContent) {
labelContent = labelContent.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + labelContent.substr(1);
label.content = labelContent;
// using name field.$name.label
// using model view.$model.$name.label
label.edit = edit;
var labelOutput = Handlebars.helpers["el-label"]({hash:label});
blocks.label = labelOutput;
hash.attributes = input;
hash["el-wrap-outer"] = {
"el-tag": "div",
"class": CONTROLCLASS[controlType]
hash["el-phrase-key"] = phraseKey;
hash["el-control"] = edit;
args[args.length-1].hash = hash;
//var inputOutput = Handlebars.helpers["el-"+inputType]({hash:input});
var inputOutput = Handlebars.helpers["el-"+inputType].apply(this, args);
blocks.main = inputOutput;
//field.content = labelOutput + inputOutput;
var blockOrder = edit ? editBlockOrder : displayBlockOrder;
for (var bk in blockOrder)
if (blocks[blockOrder[bk]]) {
field.content += blocks[blockOrder[bk]];
if (field["el-tag"] === undefined) {
field["el-tag"] = "div";
var output = Handlebars.helpers.el({hash:{attributes:field}});
return output;
for (var prop in helpers) {
Handlebars.registerHelper(prop, helpers[prop]);
return {
* @method registerHelpers
* @static
* @param {object} hbars Handlebars instance
* @description Register FormHelper helpers with Handlebars
//@param {string} [prefix=el] String to prefix helpers with
registerHelpers: function (hbars, prefix) {
if (!hbars.helpers.phrase) {
if (!hbars.helpers.el) {
FormHelpers(hbars, prefix);